Archive for the 'Students’ Blog' Category

ELS Meeting (19 May 2018)

June 23rd, 2018

Date: 19/5/2018

Time: 12;15 p.m. to 1:45p.m.

Venue: Activity room and Science Lab

Old component’s attendance: 17/23

New component’s attendance: 12/17



The members played riddles in a fun atmosphere as they learned how to work together in order to succeed.

The members worked together to play the game.



The members listened attentively as their debate coach explained in detail about the debate motion of the meeting.

The members listened on as the coach explained how to successfully grasp the concept of the meeting’s motion.

Gotong-royong 2018 + Regular Meeting

April 11th, 2018


Before starting the meeting, the members took 15 minutes to clean up the activity room. They swept the floor, wiped the windows, arranged the furniture neatly and made sure the room was spotless. After that, the old component members played a guessing game regarding various categories, whereas the new component members learned about the 7 basic structures of debate and discussed about a debate motion under the guidance of Mr Sen Nian.


ELS Meeting 27/1/18

February 4th, 2018


Old Component

The members played fun and casual games like “Guess the Object”, which is where the members take turns guessing an object based on yes or no questions, and “Guess the Spy”.


New Component

The students listened attentively and took notes as Mr Sen Nian, the professional debate coach explained the basic principles of debate and the two types of debate system. The members were also introduced to a couple of competitions, like the World Scholar’s Cup, the Uplands tournament, etc.